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Run your own Relay

The Public Goods relay is available to submit your transactions, however you may want to deploy your own:

  • for extra privacy: directly send transactions to the endpoint without sharing them with a third-party relay operator
  • for reliability: send your transactions to flashbakers even when the public relay is unavailable.

Relay Operation

The Flashbake relay requires a regular Tezos node running in the background. The Tezos node RPC URL must be passed with the --tezos_rpc_url argument.

It proxies most requests to the node, but intercepts the "injection" operation. Consequently, a Tezos client or library can interact with a Flashbake Relay the same way they would interact with a node. The port the relay is listening to must be passed with the --relay_port argument.

When receiving an inbound operation, the relay queries the Flashbake registry for the endpoint URL of the next Flashbaker. It assembles the operation into a "bundle" and forwards it to the Flashbake endpoint. The registry address must be passed with the --registry_contract argument.

It then monitors new blocks and waits for the transaction to be included. It keeps forwarding transactions until they are included, or expired.

How to Run the Flashbake Relay

Install it with NPM

npm install -g @flashbake/relay

Then run it:

flashbake-relay run --tezos_rpc_url http://localhost:8732 --registry_contract KT1CWuYkWxZMSq8kA12Kt5NpFGjSRac1Dc4r --relay_port 10732

Install it with docker

docker run run --tezos_rpc_url http://localhost:8732 --registry_contract KT1CWuYkWxZMSq8kA12Kt5NpFGjSRac1Dc4r --relay_port 10732

Install it with Helm

helm repo add flashbake
helm install flashbake-relay flashbake/relay --namespace flashbake --set tezos_rpc_url=http://localhost:8732 --set registry_contract=KT1CWuYkWxZMSq8kA12Kt5NpFGjSRac1Dc4r --set relay_port=10732